Terms of use
Visiting, searching and viewing our website is subject to our terms of use and all applicable laws. By visiting, searching and viewing our website, you expressly agree to the terms of use as described below, without restriction or exception.
1. Copyright
The content of this website is protected by copyright. The copyright belongs to Meubelen Verberckmoes, its clients and partners. All rights reserved. Information from the website (including but not limited to text, presentations, illustrations, photos and sound) may not, unless otherwise specified, be copied, transferred, distributed or saved without prior written consent from Meubelen Verberckmoes. Modifying the site’s content is forbidden. Certain parts of the site include illustrations that are expressly subject to the copyright of our clients.
2. Liability
No rights or claims whatsoever may be derived from the information shown on this website. Links to other websites are provided as a service and do not mean that Meubelen Verberckmoes is responsible for the content of the said websites. Furthermore, it is your own responsibility to check that these sites are free from viruses or other harmful components. The information contained on our website is subject to change without prior notice or obligation. The colours shown here are only an indication. Actual colours may vary. Please consult your distributor’s colour card.
3. Comments, questions and suggestions
Meubelen Verberckmoes does not wish to receive confidential or reserved information via this website. All information that you provide to us (suggestions, ideas and others) shall be deemed non-confidential and of a public nature (except as referred to under point 1 with regard to privacy protection). By sending materials to Meubelen Verberckmoes you give Meubelen Verberckmoes the unlimited and irrevocable right to use, show, amend, process and distribute this information, as well as to legally register it. Meubelen Verberckmoes also reserves the right to freely apply the ideas and techniques that you have sent to us. Meubelen Verberckmoes has taken great care in developing this website. Meubelen Verberckmoes is open to suggestions or comments. Please also inform us of any complaints regarding certain texts or images.
4. Legal provisions
Meubelen Verberckmoes is free at any time to change the terms of use by publishing new terms of use on this website. The terms of use are in accordance with Belgian law and any disputes shall be settled in accordance with the same. In the event that a competent court declares part of these terms of use invalid or unenforceable, the part of these terms of use concerned shall be deemed to be null and void while the remaining provisions of these terms of use shall remain valid and in full effect.